We are fearfully and wonderfully made...Ps. 139:14.
That is why I believe in taking a 7 prong holistic multidisciplinary approach to fitness that incorporates our physical,
mental and spiritual health.
Be the best you can be from the inside-out!
A complete health and wellness lifestyle includes:
1. Integrating proper nutritional habits and supplements into your diet.
2. Regular Stretching to keep muscles limber.
3. Strength/Resistance Training to keep bones and muscles healthy.
4. Cardio Training for strong bodies.
5. Relaxation Techniques to help cope with everyday stress.
6. Spiritual well-being which incorporates God into our daily lives.
7. Mental/emotional peace to help us get through those “rough spots.”
I take a keen interest in each of my clients and treat them as individuals. We all have strengths as well as weaknesses. I will work with you to build up your strengths and help you turn your weaknesses into strengths, that is a biblical principle I live by and follow in my own personal life.
As a Certified Personal Trainer, I understand the importance of staying active, fit and feeling my best. Our physical well being in integrated and connected with our mental and spiritual well being.
mental and spiritual health.
Be the best you can be from the inside-out!
A complete health and wellness lifestyle includes:
1. Integrating proper nutritional habits and supplements into your diet.
2. Regular Stretching to keep muscles limber.
3. Strength/Resistance Training to keep bones and muscles healthy.
4. Cardio Training for strong bodies.
5. Relaxation Techniques to help cope with everyday stress.
6. Spiritual well-being which incorporates God into our daily lives.
7. Mental/emotional peace to help us get through those “rough spots.”
I take a keen interest in each of my clients and treat them as individuals. We all have strengths as well as weaknesses. I will work with you to build up your strengths and help you turn your weaknesses into strengths, that is a biblical principle I live by and follow in my own personal life.
As a Certified Personal Trainer, I understand the importance of staying active, fit and feeling my best. Our physical well being in integrated and connected with our mental and spiritual well being.